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NGO Capacity Building

Enhancing the growth of a stronger and more dynamic NGO movement.

What is it?

We support NGOs’ operations and help them run seamlessly.

With our international, local, and hands on experience, Saber Middle East is ready to support NGOs’ operations and help them run seamlessly.

How can an NGO manage the donors’ requirements, organize internal operations, and benefit the community at the same time? Questions and challenges like these can be tackled in our Capacity Building solution developed specifically by Saber Middle East for NGOs.

By strengthening the capacities of these organizations, Saber Middle East believes it can enhance their growth and encourage a stronger and more dynamic NGO movement that benefits disadvantaged communities at large.

What do we offer?

Providing non-profits with working knowledge of the managerial, financial, and organizational aspects.

The emphasis of this solution is mainly on NGO capacity building, which provides organizations with working knowledge of the managerial, financial, and organizational aspects of non-profits in society and suggested avenues for growth.

This is completed through technical assistance and a series of coaching workshops that address essential components for any NGO: security planning, partnership management, advocacy and voice, resource of mobilization, as well as understanding the monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) process.

What can you expect?

After implementing the solutions you can look forward to learning how to:

Establish clear and secure risk management policies

Communicate effectively with donors and write structured funding proposals

Overcome barriers to collaboration and conflict resolution

Apply fundraising strategies for revenues from foundations and grants

Develop an advocacy strategy based on specific goals addressed to definite targets

Implement the MEAL system and reflect on NGO's competencies and areas for improvement

Understand different sources of funding and fundraising communication tools

What our clients are saying

Mr. Iyad Saad,

the Senior Procurement Manager at IRC,

recommended Saber Middle East’s “procurement training for both sectors: private & NGO, as it covers the entire material in a professional way.” He added, “on behalf of all participants, we wanted to express our appreciation to you for this training as it was extremely informative. The positive responses to the training (material & presentation) [reflect] participants’ acceptance of your experience in the procurement sector.”

Soha Assy,

from Mercy Corps,

praised the training by Saber Middle East by saying that it was able to “Fine-tune existing knowledge and widen horizons with new insights. Definitely an added value for any successful project management endeavor.”

Mariam Zaytoun,

the Procurement and Logistics Officer at Islamic Relief World Wide,

states that, “In just two days, I was able to grasp everything there is to know in the most interesting way; thank you for this amazing experience.”

Learn more about our other solutions

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